import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') from ultralytics import YOLO # BILIBILI UP 魔傀面具 # 推理参数官方详解链接:,Inference%20Arguments,-model.predict() # 预测框粗细和颜色修改问题可看<使用说明.md>下方的第六点 if __name__ == '__main__': model = YOLO('runs/train/exp/weights/') # select your path model.predict(source='dataset/images/test', imgsz=640, project='runs/detect', name='exp', save=True, # conf=0.2, # iou=0.7, # agnostic_nms=True, # visualize=True, # visualize model features maps # line_width=2, # line width of the bounding boxes # show_conf=False, # do not show prediction confidence # show_labels=False, # do not show prediction labels # save_txt=True, # save results as .txt file # save_crop=True, # save cropped images with results )